It’s nice to acknowledge the fact that we actually have a message for you right? Oh yes, it is. There are several plans FabReads have for the new session. One of which is the Digests with different departments – FabReads Digests are key phrases of a particular course. The phrases are intended to create a long-lasting memory on every reader’s mind. With FabReads Digests, readers gain substantial knowledge about a subject matter, topic or even a course at large which in the long-run simplifies reading.

Notes and Free PDF Materials

Also, FabReads provides up-to-date notes and materials (which are available for free download). These notes are basically available for most undergraduate students on the OAU campus. To join us at FabReads in making knowledge available at everyone’s fingertips just like our motto implies, do contact us via this link.

Video Tutorials

Last but not the least, FabReads looks forward to providing Video Tutorials (I personally, I like the sound of that). Simply put, those topics or subject matters which can be termed as being difficult will be recorded by the FabReads media Team which will feature our tutors in.

Being up-to-date

Therefore, to catch up on all of the aforementioned one needs to be up-to-date. Follow FabReads today on all of our social media pages – these include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This is not excluding our YouTube page, ensure you subscribe to our YouTube Channel. The Video Tutorials for FabReads will be uploaded on the YouTube Page. Furthermore, do not forget to always hit the like button on every social post.

Wait a minute, did I mention that all of these are absolutely free?! Yes! They are free, you need not pay a dime. Although, data charges may apply depending on your network provider.

Thank you for reading. See you again in my next post.

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